BINGO. Brandy or other spirituous liquor. Cant.
A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)
#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #language #slang @histodons
BINGO. Brandy or other spirituous liquor. Cant.
A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)
#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #language #slang @histodons
If it feels like it’s all decaying, maybe that’s because it is. Good reading for decaying times including a nod to the Commodore 64.
With writing from @NatashaMH
@Onmyom and more.
#SundayMorningReading #tech #politics #culture #Commodore64 #history #writing
Sunday Morning Reading
Todays #random photo is Turquoise Organ Chapel, Wales
Take a spin on my Abandoned Places Randomiser yourself, and see what beautiful #AbandonedPlaces await you!
Find something cool? Let everyone know in the comments!
‘Nothing has proved more threatening to our democracy, or more devastating to Black communities, than white fear of Black freedom dreams.’
#BoekPerWeek 16/52 ★★★★★
Here's why this is a mustread (in ):
En hier lees je waarom in :
C'est une histoire qui a fait couler beaucoup d'encre et fait frissonner des générations entières. L'affaire du Poltergeist d'Enfield, survenue en 1977, est-elle la preuve ultime que le surnaturel existe ? Bruits étranges, objets projetés, témoignages déroutants… ou bien une supercherie savamment mise en scène ?
#religion #paranormal #religion #film #horror #mastodon #history #fantastique #movie #books #religion #paranormal #film #horror #mastodon #history #movie
The Nazi Hydra in America Suppressed History of A Century by Glen Yeadon, 2014
Provocative and highly controversial, The Nazi Hydra in America reveals the dark secrets of the fascist influence in the USA. While Eisenhower's troops defeated The Third Reich on the battlefields of Europe, the war against fascism was lost on the home front, to the very cadre of American plutocrats who built and paid for Hitler's war machine.
BRIDGE. To make a bridge of any one's nose; to push the bottle past him, so as to deprive him of his turn of filling his glass; to pass one over. Also to play booty, or purposely to avoid winning.
A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)
#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #language #slang @histodons
You can't make this up - #history #facts #fascism #americafirst. Dr Seuss #Theodor SeussGeisel was the chief editorial #cartoonist for #liberal New York newspaper, PM, during #WWII. Drawn over 80 years ago - yet this is #america now #trump #maga #project2025 #history repeats itself when no lessons are learned. #democracy at #risk as #nazism #musk #trump #gop those who mine the past to fuel the war on #constitution #freedom #justice #civilliberties
If you need a cheery movie this weekend, may I suggest Monsters, Inc.? I talked to about it on Historians at the Movies. #podcasts #books #history #SFF
It wasn’t just terror: The Nazis won the cultural battle in a year.
For the National Socialists, everything was political.
All forms of culture — from theatre and cinema to painting and literature — were turned into instruments of propaganda and antisemitism.
It wasn’t just terror: The Nazis won the cultural battle in a year.
For the National Socialists, everything was political.
All forms of culture — from theatre and cinema to painting and literature — were turned into instruments of propaganda and antisemitism.
Disney on the Mountain by Kathryn Mayer and Greg Glasgow is a fascinating look at Walt Disney’s last, unfinished project and the controversy that surrounded it. "The book brings the key players to life, deftly explaining their backstories, motivations and passions."
#nonfiction #history #disney #books #environmentalawareness
COMMONS. The house of commons; the necessary house.
A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)
#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #language #slang @histodons
When societal problems get fixed, the next generation forgets the struggles it took to get there.
Which is why every generation fights the same struggles again and again.
#politics #history #authoritarianism #capitalism
Another week. Another museum. This week the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm. I came here largely to see this one tool chest.
It's the Mästermyr toolchest. A 1000 year old chest filled with blacksmithing and woodworking tools. It's an incredibly important find. Beautifully preserved in the bog. The tools are wonderful. I'd seen pictures and read about these tools, but to see them up close. That hack saw is exquisite.
I wonder how the chest ended up discarded.
Spice up your Ides of March with a rewatch of the incredible Marlon Brando as Antony in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. A classic with all the emotions to get into the spirit of the times.
Happy Birthday to Howard Devoto, English singer, songwriter and frontman for the punk rock band the Buzzcocks, former member of the post punk band Magazine, born on this day in 1952
Photo by Ebet Roberts