Touchdown! Carrying NASA Science, Firefly’s Blue Ghost Lands on Moon #NASA #CommercialLunarPayloadServicesCLPS #Artemis #BlueGhostLander #EarthSMoon #GoddardSpaceFlightCenter #ScienceResearch #ScienceMissionDirectorate
During the #IM2 mission, the #4G cell network will allow for #communication between the lander and the two vehicles. But #Nokia has plans for a more expansive 4G or 5G cell network that can cover the planned #Artemis habitat and its surroundings. The company is also working on integrating cell communications in Axiom #spacesuits meant for future lunar #astronauts
#NASA is losing four key senior officials close to its #Artemis moon program. Hundreds of NASA employees have accepted buyout offers from the #Trump administration.
I can't wait!
Artemis II to the Moon: Launch to Splashdown
#NASA on for #Artemis mission, awarding $24 million to space contractors
« Their goal is to put America not just on the #Moon, but also on #Mars, though it’s not clear if humans could actually survive there or not.
Three weeks ago, #Musk said that the Moon is a “distraction” and that a manned mission to the Red Planet would take precedence over moon bases. »
It is not easy to turn a big #bureaucracy, and there will undoubtedly be friction and pain points. But the opportunity here is enticing: #NASA should not be competing with things that private industry is already doing better, such as launching big rockets. Rather, it should find difficult research and development projects at the edge of the possible.
NASA Accelerates Space Exploration, Earth Science for All in 2024 #NASA #General #Aeronautics #AeronauticsResearchMissionDirectorate #Artemis #ArtemisAccords #CommercialCrew #CommercialSpace #Earth #ExplorationSystemsDevelopmentMissionDirectorate #HumansInSpace #InternationalSpaceStationISS
Artemis-Programm: NASA verschiebt Mondflug erneut
Seit 1972 gab es von der NASA keinen Mondflug mit Astronauten mehr. Eigentlich sollte im kommenden Jahr eine Kapsel Richtung Mond starten. Doch NASA-Chef Nelson hat nun Verzögerungen von einem Jahr bekannt gegeben.
Main points of the #Artemis presser still underway: the damage to the heat shield during the return of Artemis I is understood, it will not be modified for Artemis II but the reentry trajectory will be, to reduce the heating - and the mission gets nonetheless delayed again, to April 2026 now, followed by Artemis III not earlier than mid-2027. Provided there is a lander by then. See for more.
NASA Shares Orion Heat Shield Findings, Updates Artemis Moon Missions #NASA #Missions #Artemis #Artemis2 #ExplorationSystemsDevelopmentMissionDirectorate #NASADirectorates
Now on a NASA #Artemis Campaign Leadership News Conference.
The #nasa #giss #nyc #MoonTree arrived today
The first moon trees were from Apollo 14 when Stuart Roosa packed seeds in his bags as part of the US bicentennial:
The idea of a tree grown of a seedling that had made its way around the moon piqued the interest of so many #STEM lovers that the modern #Artemis team decided we needed a new cohort of inspirational, well traveled trees:
Our sapling sweet gum is hanging out w plants on our living wall
#NASA has yet to provide any additional information on the status of its review of the #Orion spacecraft's heat shield. Engineers found more than 100 locations where the stresses of #reentry damaged the heat shield.
Returning to the #Moon: Keeping #Artemis on Track, U.S. House of Representatives Committee:
»#SpaceX’s approach requires an impractically large number of orbital refuelling operations for even a single lunar mission (#Space News, 17 Nov 2023; ), while Blue Origin’s mission design depends on the development of one of the most difficult enabling technologies [...]«
9 Phenomena NASA Astronauts Will Encounter at Moon’s South Pole #NASA #Artemis #EarthSMoon #ExplorationSystemsDevelopmentMissionDirectorate #HumansInSpace #Missions #NASADirectorates #PlanetaryScienceDivision #ScienceMissionDirectorate #TheSolarSystem
#ESA is contributing three key elements to the #Gateway: Lunar #IHab*, #LunarView and #LunarLink. Together, these provide a habitable space for astronauts , refuelling, storage and telecommunication capabilities, and windows to view space
and the Moon
* Habitable volume: 10 m3, Launch mass: 10 tonnes