I received an invitation from the #Finnish Red Cross to a Teams live event intended for #donors. There, representatives of the Finnish Red Cross will talk about their visit to #Ukraine and the #RedCross #aid operation that has lasted for more than 3 years. #SlavaUkraini #SPR #suomimastodon #finland #help #humanity #war
Hi #Finnish people.
Can someone help me understand when you should use “se” and when to use “sitä”?
In my head I think I know but I couldn’t tell you exactly so I’d just like to know if someone is willing to teach me.
Just paid 450€ of fines for getting beaten up because I wanted to first ask the #Finnish #police why they entered my apartment and then going out of their way.
It's really nice when you get bullied as a #foreigner in Finland then even have to pay for it. #suomi
Monument of Alexander II, Helsingfors, Russia, i.e., Helsinki, Finland between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of architecture and other sites primarily in Poland, Russia, and the Ukraine
#AlexanderII #Helsingfors #Russia #Helsinki #Finland #Poland #Ukraine #Russian #AlexanderIIs #Finnish #Moscow #photography #historicalPhotos
The Unlikely Harmony Between Finnish and Scots: An Evening with Donald Adamson
#UniversityOfHelsinki published an interview with our old teacher and friend, conducted by our current English students.
#Finnish #Scots #translation #poetry
Suomenkielinen versio haastattelusta löytyy vaihtamalla sivun kieltä.
Finnish public broadcasting company #yle published AFAIK the very first article mentioning #mastodon, #pixelfed, #Friendica and #fediverse in genearl as an alternative to commercial, algorithn driven servides.
https://yle.fi/a/74-20140346 (in #finnish but there it is!)
Writing an #introduction in #Finnish as many Finns are currently migrating over here. Tässä siis mun #esittely.
Moi, olen Väiski, kaupunkimaantietelijä ja post-doc -tutkija Helsingin yliopistolla. Tutkin kaupunkien ja niiden asukkaiden monikielisyyttä ja sen kytköksiä segregaatioon ja sosio-ekonomisiin tekijöihin, sekä alueellista liikkumista arkimatkoista muuttoliikkeisiin. Olen tutkijana @digigeolab -tutkimusryhmässä.
Harrastuksiini lukeutuu #kalastus #FrisbeeGolf #linux #elokuva #skeittaus.
"Fediversumi" is such a banger name holy crap :o
Finnish is a great language for getting rid of the "language is logical and rule-bound" mindset.
Because with all those noun cases and all those verb forms, it would appear to the logical mind that there is a vast amount of possible utterances for any given intent.
Finnish is very expressive, but compared to the mathematical potential, only a very small subset of combinations find use.
And the only way to know which? Learn it all by consuming actual text (spoken or written), like with every other language, until it becomes second nature.
I have a question for the native #Finnish speakers!
Why do some words ditch their “k” for a “g”? What is the rule and reason for this? (If you happen to know exactly…) I’d love to know!
I would assume it’s Helsinkissä but it’s Helsingissä.
Same with sängyssä. I would have guessed sänkyssä.
Etc etc.
Hello Fediverse! This is my long overdue #introduction! I've just been a lurker here on the Fediverse for a longer time, but now that we're getting a lot of new people joining, I thought, why not say hi!
I'm on Pixelfed and Lemmy as well, but those are more or less just for following interesting categories.
I'm a Python back-end developer, currently working as a consultant in a small Finnish company. I've been in the scene since 2008, starting out with PHP, and then moving on to Python, and never looked back.
I'm interested in anything tech-related, Linux, DevOps, CLI tools, programming etc. I'm the kind of guy who gets enthusiastic about something new, dives deep into the rabbit-hole, and hopefully learns something new in the process.
I usually play casually Rocket League, The Witcher and GTA. Rocket League being pretty much the only game I play weekly.
Currently I'm testing Pop_OS! 24.04 on my work laptop, so I know if I can actually use it to replace my Windows 10 desktop. Seems that at least my Rocket League playing wouldn't be interrupted, since I got everything working quite smoothly. Even my Thrustmaster eSwap Pro controller works using xone.
I listen to all kinds of music, but mostly my playlists consists of any sub-genre of metal, hard rock, grind core, punk etc. When coding, I usually have my dubstep music on which helps me focus.
I hope to be posting something interesting over time, but for now, I'll probably just keep lurking, as usual Have a nice day wherever you are!
#Finnish #origami artist Juho Könkkölä will have an exhibition in #Taipei Huashan creative park from Jan-Apr! Wish I could have seen it when I was there back in October... https://juhokonkkola.fi/exhibitions/
(well, I hope he'll have an exhibition in #Finland again soon :))
@rolle Did you know Sanoma, the Finnish publisher, in particular their learning division is a big player here in the Netherlands? I helped them out with some accessibility demos last year, which was actually my first meeting with the #Finnish #language. I had to figure out how to pronounce all the words in their educational portals so I could tell them their labeling was wrong
Did you know Elvish from Lord of the Rings is partly inspired by Finnish language? Tolkien took an interest in the Finnish mythology of the Kalevala, a 19th-century work of epic poetry compiled by Elias Lönnrot. Both Elvish and Finnish have lots of ääs and öös. Ä and Ö are pretty common letters in the Finnish alphabet.
Linguistic excursion: I'm glad I avoided both the living and the living room in our apartment. #WrigglingIntoWinter #LostInTranslation #Finnish #finland
I am a bit shocked this has not been picked up nore widely in the #Finnish media.
Our current government proposes limiting funding to #research that might reveal inconvenient aspects of how the government operates. The proposed wording is very tame, but also vague, and represents a step in the wrong direction. A healthy democratic society wants research to be free and open. Secrecy and research bans lead to blind spots and corruption.